This article will assist you to manage your Cloud VPS from client area/billing Portal (although you will have SolusVM portal to manage your Cloud VPS out of the box).
The Client Area Cloud VPS Management is limited to Reboot, Boot Options(Power on and Power Off) and HTML5 VNC/Console.
You can also view Bandwidth consumption and resource graphs here. If you need advance management features such as ISO Install and Reinstall then please use SolusVM Client Panel.
1.) Login in to the Billing Portal or Client Area
2.) Click on Services -> My Services
3.) You can use the filter on the left to display Active Services only. Select the Cloud VPS Service you wish to manage.
4.) Once you see the Panel similar to below, (you've arrived at your destination).
- Please note you will have to enable Popup windows for HTML5 VNC/Console access.
~ CSpace Hostings /