How to whitelist your E-Mail IP Address in GSuite/Google Apps

How to whitelist your E-Mail IP Address in GSuite/Google Apps

The below instructions will show you how to whitelist CSpace Hosting's email IPv4 to receive all E-Mails from our Customers and us by IP address in your GSuite environment.

We recommend setting up a test phishing campaign to yourself or a small group after you follow the below steps to ensure your whitelisting was successful. The setting may take up to an hour to propagate to all users so wait at least an hour before testing.


  1. Login to and select Apps.



  1. Select GSuite.



  1. Select Gmail.



  1. Select Advanced Settings.



  1. In the Organizations section, highlight your Domain (Not an OU).



    1. In the Email whitelist section, enter the following IP addresses separated by commas:
      • Your Hosting IPv4 (This can be checked via Ping Domain Name)



Note: GSuite does not allow whitelisting by IP Address for individual OUs, only the entire domain.


  1. Scroll to the bottom and click Save. The setting may take up to an hour to propagate to all users.


Reference: Email Whitelist in Google Suite

For additional information or assistance with your whitelisting, contact CSpace Hostings support team.

- CSpace Hostings /

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