My site is down! Help!

Before submitting a trouble ticket, if you can't reach your website, please follow these troubleshooting steps:

1) Check the Announcement page at our Support Area.

2) Check our Network Status page to see if the server your account is on is reporting any problems. If the Network Status page shows a problem with the server, we are already aware of the problem and our techs are working to correct it. If there are no problems reported...proceed to step 3:

3) Check to see if your domain name has expired. You can search the domain here Check the WHOIS record for the expiry date & active nameservers match your Server Nameserver as in the Welcome Email for your Hosting.

4) Ask a remote friend or family member to see if they can reach your site. The problem could simply be a local ISP network issue(Try resetting your Modem/Router please keep the router/modem off for 45seconds before turning it on)
6) Make sure your DNS for your connection is working. To troubleshoot this ping the DNS IP from command prompt/terminal. You can also try changing the DNS Server.

7) If step 1 through 6 yields no resolution for you, feel free to submit a support ticket.

IMPORTANT TIP: A "site outage" does not always indicate a problem with your hosting account or domain name.This could be due to DNS or ISP failures as well. However, anyone on a different network path may still be able to reach your site.
~CSpace Hostings /
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